Every day people ask me why did you move to Florida? Many assume it was to leave the lake effect snowy winters of Central NY, or to be by family and I guess those reasons would be right. But I thought I would share with you some of the reasons why I left Central NY to move to Florida.
1. Yes I miss the sun.
I can remember as early as 2005 when I really started feeling the effects of the Winter Blues. I also started working from home that year and no longer would have to get outside if I didn’t want to or didn’t feel like it. A few years later we all would start to hear the detriments of lack of Vitamin D and when mine were measured, they were REALLY LOW. I do think that low Vitamin D was a contributor to my miscarriages.
2. To Get In Shape.
Both my husband and I have expanded these past few years of having babies and working from home. Even this summer we found ourselves not getting outside much for our tennis matches and now we both still have baby weight to lose. LOL!
Although living in Florida doesn’t guarantee a fit body, the place where we are living has lots of physical labor associated with the woods, yard and home so my husband will be more active. I have committed to myself and you now to get out everyday. This will include a membership at our local YMCA and possibly some other exercise classes. Can you help hold me accountable to that?
3. To Get Healthy Inside Too.
I recently took a yoga class while visiting my girlfriend in Georgia and the day after I was WIPED out with ADRENAL FATIGUE THYROID STRESS. I also have been struggling with my other hormones weekly and I moved to Florida because I will have access to fresher foods most of the year, healing facilities and tools and some good natural docs that can help me too.
4. My son.
See, I have a very active 3 1/2 year old who craves to do boy things like run and play, pick up sticks, jump, move and of course play in dirt. He is Wild at Heart as the book my John Eldridge says. He needed more than our 20 foot driveway yard could give him. He also needs sun, fresh foods and healthy choices all year long because according to 2 different natural health experts that have evaluated him, he has some heavy metals and food sensitivities that can affect his behavior.
5. My faith.
I have a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. He guides me daily in my walk as a mom, wife, business owner and woman. God opened too many doors and rained favor on us for this move. It was miraculous and jaw dropping and still is. See, I actually wanted to move to Florida way back in 2005, but my husband’s job and life couldn’t do that.
So through the years God gave my husband a job that he works from home and can work remotely anywhere in the world. Then God also changed my husband’s heart miraculously and in just a few short months we had buyers for our home, a home in Florida and we were moved. WOW!
Now I tell you this but I don’t mean to say it was easy to leave my family, friends and amazing support team in Central NY. IT WAS NOT. Yes I am only 30 minutes from the beach but life in our new home will not be easy. It will take a lot more work, patience and constant cleaning because southern living in the woods requires that.
We will have to be extra cautious of the creatures, bugs, and plants of this area. But EASY is not always better. I could have stayed COMFORTABLE in my home in NY. But God called my husband and I to come to Florida for our family, for our health, for our faith. We know there are people here we are supposed to serve. We also have family here we are supposed to learn from and serve.
So my final comment to you is what is God calling you to do that might not be easy? That might require you to have a a lot of faith in Him? That might sound even CRAZY?
If you are struggling to make the decisions you know are right for your future, or you are having difficulty even hearing God speak to you, I encourage you to make time for HIM, Sunday is good but it may not be enough, spend time with Him everyday.
Break Free from what holds you back, Learn to Stop Self Sabotage, and lastly Forgive yourself for past mistakes. It’s time. It’s your Time. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
For your Total Wellness,
Mary Starr Carter
1 week Floridian 38 years NYer
the Total Wellness Doc and Mom
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.