That was what my friend said to me “What’s in a Name?” after a long awkward silence. See a few days earlier she said to her assistant that she regretted not getting a ticket to an important event. Within 3 days some tickets became available out of the blue and now she was able to go.
We were on the phone discussing it and she related the story to me and then said, “Thank the Universe I am able to go”… After a long silence I awkwardly said Uhhha. She said, “I know I know you think it is God I think it is the Universe what is in a name.” A WHOLE LOT, is what I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her about everything she was missing out on, on what it means to partner with God, about the Trinity and so on… but I didn’t she wasn’t ready yet to hear what I had to say.
I think as Christians we fall into 2 groups; the ones who love Jesus but mostly keep it to themselves and the ones that love Jesus and let the entire world know no matter if they are open to receiving your message. You probably know an example of both in your life. Very few people know how to share God with others in a way that doesn’t have them running away. Interestingly enough my business training has taught me how to share God with others in a more comfortable way. It starts with really caring about them, listening for their needs, developing relationships and sharing a message that is appropriate to what you are hearing when they are ready to hear it.
I am sure if my friend who believes in the Universe (which I believe means she believes in Creation and not the Creator) was ready to listen or ask me about my beliefs I would say the following:
Well you know Friend, I believe God is the Creator of all things including the Universe. I believe He sent His only Son not just to be a sign or a prophet but to be the ultimate sacrifice for us and through which we can find Salvation and a path to God. When Jesus died He left a Helper of sorts called the Holy Spirit here with us on Earth. The Holy Spirit directly allows us to access Wisdom, Strength, Insight, Power, Blessings, and Gifting from Heaven in our daily lives when we are Born Again. When I was Born Again meant I accepted Jesus into my heart I gained a new heart, but I must work to renew my mind. When I have TRUST in God and Wisdom and Guidance there is so much more Joy and Peace in life it’s really unexplainable.
Through studying the Bible and reading it cover to cover I started to understand the entire blessing that was in store for my life. The Bible is so full of Wisdom and direction for our lives. The sad part is most people both non-Christians and Christians don’t read it. Non-Christians don’t read it because they read one thing that may have offended them or they disagree with. Christians don’t read it because they just don’t make the time. So we end up getting pieces and parts from novies like the Secret, Law of Attraction, books by Doreen Virtue, Marianne Williamson, A Class on Healing, business books like Think and Grow Rich and the list goes on. Some of these books are entire paraphrases of the Bible and others have only a few sound concepts of Truth. God’s book the Bible, is the originator of Success, Abundance, Personal and Professional Growth. Isn’t that funny?!
So Friend I don’t know, all I know is what I have experienced and the thousands of others who I know who follow Christ. Unimaginable Joy, Peace, Abundance, Love, it’s all here. I am sure you want to question a lot of things and I may or may not have the answers. But I do know that Accepting Christ takes a great deal of Faith. Accepting the gifts God has in store for you life takes a great deal of Courage. And renewing your mind and becoming the person you never thought you could be takes work. {Silence… let her process… don’t talk unless talked to.}
So that is the conversation I would have with my friend who said What’s in a name… when she is ready… I would say a similar message to you when you are ready. If you are Christian or not I would tell you God has a so many Blessings in store for you. A life you can’t even imagine when you fully TRUST HIM. I know I want all that God has for me and I want that for you too.
I love you, God loves you, and I am praying for you to embrace all you were meant to be.
Your friend,
Mary Starr Carter
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