The Middle Miles of your Health Recovery of Health Program
The Middle Miles of your Health Recovery of Health Program
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter
Remember when you start a new exercise program or a diet plan how you are so excited in the beginning. You are motivated, committed and you feel like nothing is going to stop you. The same thing happens for many of our clients when they start a Wellness Coaching. Once we find some answers and make some changes most everyone will FEEL BETTER. And then time goes by and they are still feeling 30-60% better than before but then they hit what I like to call the MIDDLE MILES.
The Middle Miles can be found in Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Recovery, any type of Rehab, Exercise Programs, and Diet Plans. They are this period of time when the newness and excitement goes away, boredom and weariness might set in, and we can easily lose our focus and fall off track. It is a time for Fibromyalgia Recovery where you can have forgotten how you could barely walk up the stairs without having to take a nap afterwards and now that you have some energy you are frustrated you don't have more. You may even feel like you are going backwards because you are not getting well fast enough. In the Middle Miles of a Diet or Exercise Plan you may get bored or something happens that throws you off track. Things like you sprain an ankle, or your mother in law comes to visit for a month and these are your excuses to not exercise or not eat according to your plan. But I am here to tell you …. the MIDDLE MILES can be the FUN and FABULOUS. Here are 5 tips to stay on Track with your health.
1) Give Yourself Grace. I understand that you may need to see the Chiropractor every week or eat certain foods at specific times of day, or exercise a certain routine every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but life will happen expect it too. And when you can't do those things Give yourself some Grace. Be lenient with yourself and don't beat yourself up. Just shake the dust from your shoes and move on. No one is perfect and you won't be either.
2) Make it FUN. Although things like Colon Cleansing, Yeast Free Diets, or P90X programs may not sound fun your attitude and some simple planning could make them fun. If you like to cook pick up some new cookbooks for Yeast Free eating or your eating plan and go to town. Invite friends to join you or be your team mate on your health program. If you are cleansing and in the bathroom alot set up your favorite show reruns on your smart phone, or book on tape.
3) The Middle Miles need REWARDS. Some of us are motivated by the Challenge and Prize, others by the Fun and Friends, others by the Good they feel. Whatever your motivation decide what REWARDS you will get in the Middle miles and stick too it. For example, some clients who are on restrictive eating programs will make sure they have a massage of Raindrop Technique planned for their Middle miles every week or every couple of weeks. Some clients allow themselves 1 FREE meal a week or 1 FREE day a month. A FREE day is a day where they can eat whatever they want with NO GUILT. It could be a pedicure or the purchase of a book you have wanted to read. For us mommies it could be a 5 hours of Solitude, or a Day at the SPA. Just Remember Rewards need planning.
4) Use Aromatherapy: Studies show that the sense of smell has a direct connection to our emotional center. This means when you smell certain smells they can make you happy. So oils like Peace and Calming or Joy oil can be used as a perfume so you smell a feel great throughout the day. Or Peppermint could be diffused in the kitchen if you are on a diet. Peppermint has been scientifically proven to tell your brain your full.
5) Expect Success: Sometimes when I consult with a chronically ill client, someone who has been sick for many years or months and has tried everything they have an attitude that “this is not going to work”. I have to deny clients consulting because I know if they think in their minds this is not going to work then it is not going to work for them. So no matter how many times you have tried other weight loss programs, or exercise classes, or supplements to get out of pain DON'T GIVE UP, and DON'T EXPECT FAILURE.
So remember plan for the middle miles. No that you are going to lapse but when you do have Grace and get back up. Have specific Rewards that will help you Stay on Track. Make it Fun to be in the Middle miles and use things like Aromatherapy. And lastly expect and have an attitude of Success.
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Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.
Have you been mis-diagnosed?
Have you been mis-diagnosed?
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter
For the past 5 years at least a minimum of 2 times a week I consult with new clients who I soon learn were mis-diagnosed. Being misdiagnosed can lead to frustration, pain, and worse disability.
Here are a few examples of clients who were misdiagnosed:
55 year old female with incontinence was told she needed bladder surgery. Surgery failed…. it wasn't until they realized her estrogen was so low that it was causing weakness in the bladder.
60 year old female spent 25 years on over 12 medications resulting in pain, constant respiratory issues, and a 50lb weight gain. The side effects of her medications were causing high blood pressure, weight gain, fatigue, respiratory issues, and blood sugar issues. After 1 year of recovery she is off all but 1 medication, has released 15lbs, has more energy and is way happier.
34 year old man with painful boils was misdiagnosed with skin issues and spent thousands on medications and specialists, including skin grafting surgery. After 1- $200 Wellness Coaching session the core problem leading to the skin issues was discovered.
But the most common mis-diagnosis I see in practice has to do with the Thyroid. More than 20 million Americans suffer from either an overactive or an underactive thyroid gland. As many as half the cases of thyroid disease in the United States go undiagnosed. So many times our clients have seen the doctor and the tests that the doctor orders come back with normal results. The clients have obvious symptoms of under active or overactive thyroid function but yet are mis-diagnosed as having levels in the normal range. Like Debbie who is obese not because she eats too much or doesn't exercise, she is obese because her thyroid, which regulates her metabolism, is not functioning properly.
There are many reasons why the thyroid will not function properly. On Tuesday August 23rd we will review some of those reasons. But first let's talk about how you could be misdiagnosed.
The proper tests were not ordered
The doctor is using older values of norm.
They are looking for disease you are experiencing dysfunction
The body is compensating.
You are not in failure yet.
Medication side effects
Everyone is not the same.
All of these things could potentially be hiding the problem. With the thyroid, just like many other organs, dysfunction can go undetected before disease happens. Often times if we can catch a client in the dysfunctional stage total correction is possible. If we wait until it is diseased we may only be able to reduce symptoms by 30-60%.
If you are struggling with fatigue, weight gain, inability to release weight no matter what you do, depression, anxiety, always cold, lack of motivation, insomnia, allergies, or moodiness then you may want to join us Saturday July 30th at 12 noon EST when we review the Total Wellness an approach to identify and determine thyroid dysfunction and a simple protocol to get back on track with your TOTAL WELLNESS.
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Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.
Part III in Healing Support Systems: Emotional and Spiritual Support System
Although we always make sure the physical needs are always met the emotional and spiritual needs are just as important. A tip from from Part II Support Systems a daily check in by phone or visit once a day can be helpful to a person who is home bound and doesn't have a chance to interact with anyone all day. I have noticed with my elderly single family members that having a visit or phone call to look forward too can be very positive to their emotional health.
Tip #1) Daily Check ins or visits
My 90 year old aunt who lives alone makes us a meal once a week. She enjoys delivering it not just to see us but to see my 1 year old son. She has been able to see him grow up these past 15 months and it has been a great joy to her. Although she is not sick I do believe this has been very helpful to her.
When visiting my dad in the Rehab Facility after his knee operation I would bring my little son. Not only did it brighten his day but also everyone Else's.
Tip #2) Furry Friends: They say pets can be extremely healing for a person. Although some pets may be difficult to care for someone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or someone who is bed bound still pets like cats take little maintenance and can be very healing. I know when I don't feel good and my cat comes and kneads and lays on my belly I just feel better.
Tip # 6) Set Boundaries. Have the primary care giver give clear explanations and boundaries. What you can do or not do, when you sleep, what you need, how to speak positively over you. This helps everyone and is soooo good for your Emotional Well Being.
An example of a conversation might be, “ Aunt Dorothy Mary really isn't suppose to be going up and down the stairs, but she is hard headed and is embarrassed about asking for help. When you come over can you make sure to check in with her and bring her water and ask her if there is anything else she needs. “
Tip #7 ) Social media (Facebook) the good and the bad:
I found Facebook to be a saving grace after the birth of my son. With my mind half gone and my body not cooperating Facebook allowed for a distraction from my woes. I didn't get on and complain or visit support groups I just tuned out. Support groups can be helpful but I will warn you especially my recovering Fribromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue clients, “DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN 10 minutes a day on those types of Support Groups” . Why? Frankly because those people are not you and on those sites you will hear 90% depressing messages about the disease and very little about the recovery. It can very easily turn a switch on in your brain that says maybe I am not getting better. So to avoid that limit your time.
Tip #8) Entertainment
Entertainment is important for both the disabled individual, the family and caregivers. If you can not turn off for a little while everyday it can lead to burn out and further health crisis. I encourage people to pick something they really look forward to. Maybe it is a favorite Soap Opera, CSI, or Star Trek re-runs those can all be beneficial as long as they are used as a once a day one or two hours of tune out. If you are going to watch movies pick a uplifting, funny comedy or something that will make you laugh. Don't forget reading, books on CD, inspirational sermons or uplifting music. My favorite was to listen to the nationally syndicated radio station K-Love .
Tip #9 ) Keep a routine.
In some serious illnesses unfortunately routines are needed for medications and daily medical procedures. In other cases like Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue you may be lucky to have enough energy to do the dishes everyday. I don't mean you have to stick to a strict schedule but keep a routine with your approximate wake up, food, nutritional supplements, time with your children, spouse, entertainment, naps etc. This will help you with boundaries too. For example if the family knows 3-5pm is mommy's rest time then no one should be allowed in your room at that time.
Tip #10) Staying involved with your faith.
This was crucial in clients who are in the recovery stage. If you can not get to your church each week, see if a recording would be available for you. Make sure to utilize the healing ministries at your church or seek them out. Remember when we are the weakest He is the strongest. Having Faith in God can be quite comforting, as well as reading the Bible. It is full of stories of deliverance and healing.
Tip #11) Miracles still happen
Since 2007 I have personally witnessed over one dozen miraculous healings. Healings where the client had Fibromyalgia who was hospitalized monthly and in a day was delivered from her illness. I have sat in the hospital next to a friend who was literally at death's door and miraculously is healthy and healed today. I have seen heart conditions healed. I have witnessed a woman in debilitating pain, on 5 different pain medications and in a wheelchair throw their wheelchair away and get off all pain medications. I have seen Stage 4 Bladder Cancer healed.
God healed all these people, miraculously. I am a skeptic and very scientific and had I not witnessed them myself may not believe. But I will tell you all these people had an amazing faith and believed that God would heal them….. and He did.
So if there is one thing I can tell you in all my years of working with those who are sick is this…. Believe with all your heart that you can get better and you can be healed and then let go and see what doors God opens for you. For some those doors will be miraculous healing for others they will be resources and ways to recover.
I believe you can recover and have Total Wellness. Do you?
Dr. Mary Starr Carter
Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.
Part II in our Total Health Support Systems: The Home and Family Support System
Stressful times require extra help. Whether it is a health crisis or extra work at your job both can cause stress on the family. Instead of turning to junk food and a messy house think outside the box.
Whether you have small kids or are single everyone should have ….
Tool #2 A Home and Family Support System
This Tool works best if it is set up before you need it. I know it will be more of a challenge to do this when you live away from friends and family but I encourage you to begin looking now. I promise you being prepared will help the stress an illness can put on a family.
This system is based about Cleaning, Cooking, Childcare, Sick person Care, and Transportation. Again your Resource List will be helpful in setting this system up.
Tip #1) Recruit elderly relatives, friends or neighbors. There are many older retired individuals who are feeling alone and useless, yet they still can be helpful to so many if given the chance. Find a family member who loves to cook, or run errands, or watch your children. This not only will help you but can help them too.
Tip #2) Recruit out of town friends and family to be a part of your Phone Call Check in Support System. Sadly in my town just 2 months ago a young single mom and her baby were found dead in their apartment because of lack of check in support. The mom died of a hereditary illness and since no one was checking up on them the 4 month old baby died too of neglect. How awful huh?! One simple phone call could have avoided that.
Tip #3) Teenager or College Student Support System. Set up a local teenage neighbor looking to earn a few extra bucks and would be happy to come over do the dishes, clean up the kitchen, or help prepare meals. For those of you who are really busy and need help this is great because it gives you extra time with your kids and you won't be too exhausted if you have to do work after the kids go to sleep.
I have used this support system for years and it is helpful. Be sure to set clear expectations, wages and performance standards. Using their cellphone and texting every other minute is not appropriate while working for you. Maintaining a positive and pleasant attitude. And the list goes on. Be sure that they also understand that if they do not meet these standards you will terminate their arrangement. (Don't forget to discuss this with the parents too. )
As you can tell I have learned through the years. Treat them well, honor them as adults, pay them well for work done well.
Tip #4) Look for local stay at home mommies who may want some extra cash. Having a mommy you trust pick up your kids, or cook double dinners, one for their home and one for yours, do some lite cleaning and the list goes on. It depends on your needs and theirs.
If you are thinking you can't afford that right now I want you to re-think that statement because you are forgetting that your energy is VALUABLE. Remember your time and energy are worth something. Spending $10 extra a week to have a meal made for you, a night of no dishes, extra family time, and less stress can be more valuable to you then you think.
Tip #5) Transportation: When a Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue client is so weak they can't drive themselves to Doctor appointments or even to the store then the burden usually falls on the spouse. This can cause many sick days to be eaten up or even time without pay if the spouse is working. So go through your Resource list and see who could help with transportation. Again be sure to honor them with gratitude and gas money. Many giving people refuse an exchange and it is okay to receive but if you have to use them multiple times find a way to honor them. Sometimes a simple thank you card is sufficient.
Tip #6) Childcare Sick person Care Be sure of you and your spouse are clear on who can watch your children and who can't. Even if that means you may have to send your kids for a week or so away to be properly cared for with someone you fully trust. Leaving your children is really hard. So don't put yourself in a position where you have to worry, prepare ahead of time.
Also look and see who may have experience in helping someone sick, injured, recovering from surgery or could help take care of you if you needed them.
Be sure your have your HOME AND FAMILY LIST in a few different places so your spouse and or family member could help you put your Support System into place if and when you need it.
Remember your Home and Family are very important but so are you. You are hurting, injured, recovering, or suffering with a Chronic Illness like Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue. You must make sure you have resources set up for you. If you are hurting and haven't found answers we would like the opportunity to help you find some answers. Our Wellness Coaching programs help those who are lost in a Health Care puzzle get on a path to Total Wellness. Learn more at
Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.
Benefits of Exercise
Benefits of Exercise
By Dr. Peggy Malone
Moving your body regularly is one of the best things that you can do for your health. In previous posts, I have emphasized that the human body is a perfect motion machine. It is designed to move; to run and jump and hunt and gather. Our current modern day world has taken many of us away from the motion that our body needs.
Getting your body moving through a regular exercise program has more benefits than you think.
Here are 43 of the advantages that a regular exercise program can bring to your health and wellness…
1) Reduced stress and tension
2) Increased energy to manage your day to day routine
3) Pain relief
4) A stronger immune system: Exercise is a natural defence against colds and flu viruses.
5) Increased good cholesterol (HDL-High Density Lipoprotein)
6) Reduced depression
7) Prevention of and reduced incidence of Low Back Pain
8 ) Blood Pressure levels that are improved and regulated
9) Improved co-ordination and balance
10) Decreased risk of stroke and heart disease
11) Decreased risk of Type II Diabetes and more controlled blood sugar levels.
12) Increase bone density and decreased risk of Osteoporosis
13) Decreased risk of breast and colon cancers
14) Improved respiratory function
15) Increase mental alertness and focus
16) Enhanced ability to relax and sleep
17) Reduced triglyceride levels and gives the body the ability to more effectively burn fat
18) Aid in alleviating varicose veins
19) Decreased menstrual cramps
20) Improvement in skin tone
21) Enhanced sex life
22) Increase in flexibility
23) Improved joint health including increased range of motion
24) Toned and firm muscles with more definition
25) Increased strength and endurance
26) Increased lean muscle mass (which begins to decline at an alarming rate of up to 2% a year after age 35)
27) Increased athletic performance
28) Decreased resting heart rate
29) Enhanced heart function including higher cardiac output
30) Increased speed of muscle contraction and reaction time
31) Improved posture
32) Weight loss, decrease in obesity
33) Improved chances of keeping the weight off after you lose it
34) Increased cravings for healthier foods
35) Improved digestion
36) Improved social interaction with exercise group
37) The challenge and achievement of a goal
38) Heightened self esteem and self image
39) Reduced number of ‘sick’ days
40) Reduced chance of a fatal heart attack
41) Reduced risk of premature death
42) Increased length of life
43) Overall improvement of quality of life
It is never to late to experience the benefits of regular exercise. Even if you are 85 or even 95, if you start a regular exercise program (under the guidance of a health care professional please) you can see massive benefits in many areas of your health and wellness and most importantly in your overall quality of life.
I’ve written in previous posts about the benefits of moving your body every day. If you need another reminder as to why you should be exercising, I have just given you 43. If you can add to the list, I would love it if you would comment below and give me your exercise benefit!
Get moving…..
Your body will thank you and your overall well-being will be improved as a result.
About the Writer:
Dr. Peggy Malone is a Chiropractor and an Athlete who helps other athletes to overcome injury and get back to their sport. She also inspires patients from all walks of life to take control of their health to be as happy and as healthy as they can be. It's simpler than you think to take control of your health. My gift to you today is my free report: Top Ten Steps That Make a Difference
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We publish newsletters and blogposts twice a week for our readers for general education purposes only. We cover topics that are related to achieving and maintaining total wellness which includes our emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health.