Do you ever take the time to consider what fills you up? You know, what makes you feel more fulfilled, happy, or at peace.
As I mature in years, I am grateful to learn who I am at a deeper level and what fills me up.
This past week I was reminded how important good conversation and friendships are.
About 2 years ago I was struggling with loneliness, irritability, impatience, anxiety and the list goes on. I was pouring out but not really get filled up. Anyone else ever been there? You just feel empty and not really fulfilled?
It may seem weird to those of you who know no stranger, but the isolation of a mom, work from home mom, or even a working mom can be intense. I think many of us use social media to dull some of that pain but nothing beats a good conversation and friendship.
We all struggle and we will all struggle emotionally, but we can prevent some of that by not isolating ourselves.
We are all busy, but make the time to fill up this part of your life with some positive friendships and conversations.
Here are a few ideas for the busy woman to get filled up with friendships:
- Go pick up a friend for a drive or to run some errands with. Car driving CONVERSATIONS are the best!
- Plan a girls night out, or potluck party!
- Invite a friend over for a meal
- Pick up the phone and call someone you have been thinking about
- Get your busy friends to download Marco Polo and commit to a conversation once a month.
- For those of us who have moved a lot, plan a ZOOM Wine or Tea Party with some of your friends or groups and have some fun questions, games or conversations.
- Go on a vacation or retreat with girlfriends. Even just a weekend or one day getaway can be a great recharge.
When I changed me, friendships were easier. I also worked on developing the skills of being a good friend too. Life Map program helped a lot with that.
I had to get involved. I joined some homeschooling groups, a church, and started going to a small group (a group of people that meets regularly). I made a point to connect with people every week having at least one deep conversation. I also opened my home up during a holiday to extended friends–especially those without family nearby. That was always crazy but lots of fun!
And guess what? I felt filled up, at peace, adult, human, intellectual, important, and the list goes on.
You could say now my life consists of a lot of F’s. FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS/FOOD, FRIENDS, PHILANTHROPY, and FREEDOM. Having these things has taken work, but the REWARDS are awesome.