I got some sad news today and it got me thinking that some of my newer friends might now know what kind of doctor I am. I call myself the Total Wellness Doc and Mom after being labeled that about a decade ago by a Marketing Mentor who was also one of my patients. She said, “You are not just a ______________, you really are a doctor who teaches wellness for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.”
Two decades ago I went to Chiropractic school and I was a passionate student, but the classes were really hard. I thought I could handle school and work, but sadly I overdid my boundaries during my 3rd trimester and I failed a class. In that type of Doctorate training it meant you must split the next trimester and you added an extra $10,000 to your huge student loan bill. There were, however, some really good things came out of that lighter schedule.
I found the wonderful Young Living Essential Oils that next trimester, and I had time to take extra wellness classes. One of the wellness classes I took was with a world-renowned expert in Women’s Wellness, Childbirth, and Pediatric Chiropractic care. Her name was Jeannie Ohm.
I remember her dynamic and passionate personality and teaching style. She filled the room with awe and excitement as she shared personal stories, clinical research, and scientific studies.
She taught truth and a lot of it was hidden TRUTHS. I first learned from her that vaccines could have side effects. I learned that vaccines could cause fevers, seizures, toxic overload, accidentally give the child the disease it was trying to “cure” and in rare cases, death. I couldn’t believe that even though the vaccine manufacturers clearly state these side effects in their inserts, some parents don’t read them. My mom didn’t.
When I was 4 years old, I lost the use of my legs (like seriously I couldn’t walk) for several days. When I took Jeannie’s class and learned about vaccine side effects, I asked my mom if she remembered if I had gotten shots around that time. She couldn’t remember but she did remember that when I got my early baby shots, I had a serious fever and crying fits from them. She said she remembered because she had written it in my baby book. So I got my vaccination and hospital records. Sure enough! My mysterious paralysis happened right in the incubation period of when I got my MMR, DPT, and Polio vaccination shots. WOW! My diagnosis on my hospital report was not that of course, because who knew back in 1979 about vaccine reactions really? My mysterious paralysis was labeled as Reyes syndrome, but that medically doesn’t make sense…but I digress.
Dr .Ohm taught me both TRUTH and TECHNIQUE. So many things that I didn’t learn in regular Chiropractic technique classes or as a woman from my GYN or Pediatrician. Her teachings, specifically the Webster Technique, has helped hundreds of thousands of women have healthier safer births. Her mentorship has helped thousands of Chiropractors have successful practices filled with happier and healthier mamas and babies. If you aren’t familiar with Webster Technique I encourage you to Google “Chiropractic Webster Technique”. If you are having a baby, look for a certified doc in your area who does it.
I had regular Chiropractic care and Webster Technique throughout my second pregnancy and it was such an easy birth. Both my kids have been adjusted from infants to today and I attribute their lack of ear infections and healthier immune systems in part to regular Chiropractic care.
When I took Jeannie Ohm’s trainings, I didn’t even have kids or think I would have kids, but not only have her TRUTHS helped me help hundreds if not thousands of moms, but I am most grateful for what that education resulted in my own family.
So I was very sad to hear about this incredible woman, Chiropractor, Pediatric Expert, Childbirth Expert and World renowned teacher’s recent passing. Me sharing this with you is part of my own remembering and tribute to such a great influence in my life. I remember those long drives to New Jersey to hear her and other TRUTH speakers teach. Packing a 4-seater car with six soon-to-be Chiropractors. We got very little sleep but it was so worth it…more than I could comprehend.
Jeannie Ohm changed my future. I am most certain she changed my son’s future. Why? See he has some challenges. “Special needs” is what the world labels it, but I know that I know that I know those challenges would be severely augmented had I not made the choice to live toxin free for him. She taught me TRUTH and that our family had CHOICES. I hold to the truth that God will “heal” him with continued, holistic care like Chiropractic, exercise, nutrition, wellness techniques, and skill training.
I am confident because Dr. Jeannie introduced me to other “healed” kids who were like my son through her publications and magazines. I am confident but I am also sad.
I am saddened to currently live in a state where my choices to not vaccinate my children and thousands of other moms of medically sensitive children have been REVOKED. I am saddened for the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of parents who also have had their CHOICES removed in New York state.
I am saddened a TRUTH educating mentor has passed, but I am so very grateful for the opportunity to sit at her feet. A gratitude that I now will express more PUBLICLY. I will stop hiding my truth because of fear of what you may think or say back to me. I will stand up with courage and authority to share the Total Wellness Truths that were shared with me almost two decades ago.
Thank you, Dr. Jeannie for your WISDOM, PASSION, and EXAMPLE OF COURAGE. I am ready to SPEAK TRUTH!