Break Free From Negative Words and Thoughts That Have Been Holding You Back
This Simple Strategy Will Get You The Freedom And Life You Want
We have the RESULTS to Show and Tell
Dear Friends,
If you met me about five years ago I was a stressed out, overwhelmed, overworked wife, business woman and natural remedies professional who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and almost losing my marriage. My life was chaotic, I had so much head trash and I spent many days traveling around the United States building my business while my husband was staying home alone.
From the outside looking in… I had a successful and good life! After all, they call me “Doctor”, I was building a business, full of knowledge and was teaching my team around the country how to build their business. Not only that, I was making a six figure income.
But deep inside I was heading for a nervous breakdown. I felt trapped and did not know how to help myself in many areas of my life. Seriously, I was losing IT and out of balance!!
I was carrying a heavy baggage….
From my Past and Childhood
Ever since I worked with Dr. Lavonne Atnip, my life has been turned around. In fact, it wasn’t until I made one specific shift in my life that I truly found the life I was meant to live. And I want to share this strategy with you to get you to where you want to be faster and NEVER again let negative words and thoughts hold you back or make you feel like you are going in circles and ending up where you started.
If you have been called “stupid girl”, “fat”, “ugly”, “bad” or told “you will never amount to anything”, “you can’t make it”, “you are an idiot” or you have been fighting with your children or spouse because of negative words and thoughts and more…
Here’s the thing…
Some of my friends, associates and readers and I felt the same way too and those who had made the leap to get help from Dr. Lavonne’s wisdom and implemented this one simple strategy were able to BREAK FREE and restore marriages, relationships and succeed in business and life.
Like Stuart and Lisa Lynn, married 12 years:
“Dr. Lavonne and Dr. Jack’s seminar was one of the most amazing things we have been a part of. Our communication and relationships with our kids and each other has improved so much.”
Or Debbie P. from United Kingdom who was able to totally transform her life and marriage. She said:
“Dr. Lavonne has amazing and Godly Wisdom that has changed my life and marriage. Even over the phone you can receive her love and message and it can change your life!”
And this client (name withheld) said,
“This was an absolutely amazing class, it blew me away. So much valuable information. Thank you Dr. Mary and Dr. Dr. Lavonne for giving me back hope. I loved your call. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. I will begin now with your wonderful counsel!!! Love you much! Life changing “
I suspect if you are reading this far you are searching for a life changing strategy like some of my friends, associates, readers and I did….
To join us all you need to do is follow a proven path to success that has results to show. In this recorded workshop Dr. Lavonne and I discussed the topics on
• Power of words
• How to handle head trash and negative thoughts
• Ways to look for the roots to weight challenges
• How to recognize and recover from addictions
• Ways to discover the spiritual and soul connections with physical diseases
• How to identify what is keeping you in bondage
• Breakthrough in marriages, health and finances
• Deliverance from bad habits
• How to balance spirit, mind and body
• And more

Now it’s your chance to soak up over one hour of teaching, wisdom and break free strategies from a professional like Dr. Lavonne who has almost 40 years of experience coaching CEO of multi-million dollar companies, moms, dads, lawyers, teachers and many others.
In this workshop Dr. Lavonne answered questions that were holding clients back in their health, marriage and careers. In fact this workshop with 100% women attendees turned out to be a very POWERFUL WOMEN’S WELLNESS CLASS. It’s not an accident that most of these women are dealing with
• low self esteem
• negative body image
• depression
• negative thinking
• and many other negativities
Imagine what it would be like to break free from all the negativities and to own your life and succeed in your relationships, business, career, health and dreams?
Think of your life today… what would your life look like?
STOP waiting for the right time
NOW is the time
You will receive
1. An audio recording of the workshop
2. Transcript (for listening guide)
The entire MP3 and Listening Guide delivered INSTANTLY to your email today!