Have you ever pushed yourself hard and ended up getting sick, a sinus infection, cold or headaches?
We all have seasons when we have to run hard but when you don’t feel well it is awful. For 2 decades of my life I struggled with my health particularly with allergies, sinus infections, and headaches.
My Early Sinus Challenges
I was the toddler with the ear infections and tonsils out by the time I was 4 years old. As a kid I remember being on the nowDISCONTINUED Seldane allergy medicine and having Sinus infections and being on Amoxicillin every other month. It wasn’t fun. It was so often we would just keep leftover antibiotics in the medicine cabinet and take it when I had sinus challenges. Little did we know that we were making the problem worse not using antibiotics correctly.
Sinus Over The Counter Meds and Their Effects
Later in college I would have sinus pressure and headaches almost daily. I would take Sudafed daily for the problem at first then Irealized it helped give me energy so I just took it daily. UNTIL that ONE DAY….. when I took it and my heart started pounding out of my chest. I thought I was going to die. And after a little investigation I learned that this Over the Counter Medicine did have some fatal side effects. YIKES. This was the beginning of my journey to natural medicine.
Simple Tips For Sinus Health
Using these simple tips I give you in this video has helped me eliminate allergies, sinus infections, and sinus pressure. Now I occasionally get some little allergy attack or pressure headache but it usually is because I haven’t been following these tips. My own kids 4 and 7 years old have never had to have antibiotics or allergy medicines. I know these tips work. USE THEM. They will help you.
Stay Healthy; Boost Your Immune System
Lastly I will encourage you to stay healthy avoid sickness we must, must, must boost our immune system. That means we are feeding our bodies well and using nutritional products that help us stay well.
Two of my favorite Nutritionals are:
NingXia Red
I recommend taking 2 – 4 oz a day of NingXia Red for adults and 1/2 – 2oz for kids, it helps our family stay well!
Thieves Vitality oil
Thieves Essential oil in a capsule or in water also helps us stay well. It’s a hot oil with cinnamon in it, so putting it in honey helps.
Let me know if these tips help your family too!
Mary Starr Carter

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