Do you ever get tired of looking at social media posts that just show “the best of”? You know that perfectly posed shot, the perfect sunlight that tricks us into thinking we don’t have wrinkles, the perfect family pose, the cute outfit pose, the vacation highlights, the date night “happy couple” pose, the check out my new (fill in the blank), the cute kids, the new furniture, the perfectly staged essential oil picture, or the funny meme, the “look at all the weight I lost pose” and of course the perfect food picture or video. Seriously, are you tired of it?
Maybe I am a little jaded lately because I am over my head in laundry, an unending task list, feeling bad about losing 15 lbs prior to COVID lockdown and gaining 20 lbs during. So I apologize as I vent my views. I guess I want to vent but I also want you to know that your life is real and maybe you feel inadequate to even post anything or do a live story because you feel less than.
I remember a few years back a woman came up to me and told me she loved my social media videos because I was so different from the others who wore their fake eyelashes and full makeup for every video…she said you are just real. Then somewhere along the path I stopped being real. I bought full coverage makeup, hid my zits, got better lighting and turned on the beauty filter. I don’t mean to be fake and I don’t mean for you to feel like you can’t post a picture of you in glasses, and 2-day no shower hair when you really would like to share. Social media is welll……
A place that can lift us up, bring us down, kill us with comparison, encourage our dreams, help us stay connected with our friends, family and colleagues, and drive wedges between us over our various views. At the same time, I have to say I am grateful I am able to use social media as a tool. A tool that helps to encourage others, keep us connected, build business together, and improve the lives and health of others.
So I will continue to put on makeup because it’s professional and honestly it makes me feel good to look good. I will begin again to release my sugar and comfort food weight, but remember for every “highlight” pose you see is my “real life struggles and normal life” so don’t shy away from sharing. I am here to encourage your life by maybe seeing some of my highlights, messages, and the desire I have for you to live your “FULL LIFE.”
God Bless you friend,
Mary Starr (picture is makeuped, and perfect natural lighting reducing my wrinkles by 40%)