Have you been mis-diagnosed?
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter
For the past 5 years at least a minimum of 2 times a week I consult with new clients who I soon learn were mis-diagnosed. Being misdiagnosed can lead to frustration, pain, and worse disability.
Here are a few examples of clients who were misdiagnosed:
55 year old female with incontinence was told she needed bladder surgery. Surgery failed…. it wasn't until they realized her estrogen was so low that it was causing weakness in the bladder.
60 year old female spent 25 years on over 12 medications resulting in pain, constant respiratory issues, and a 50lb weight gain. The side effects of her medications were causing high blood pressure, weight gain, fatigue, respiratory issues, and blood sugar issues. After 1 year of recovery she is off all but 1 medication, has released 15lbs, has more energy and is way happier.
34 year old man with painful boils was misdiagnosed with skin issues and spent thousands on medications and specialists, including skin grafting surgery. After 1- $200 Wellness Coaching session the core problem leading to the skin issues was discovered.
But the most common mis-diagnosis I see in practice has to do with the Thyroid. More than 20 million Americans suffer from either an overactive or an underactive thyroid gland. As many as half the cases of thyroid disease in the United States go undiagnosed. So many times our clients have seen the doctor and the tests that the doctor orders come back with normal results. The clients have obvious symptoms of under active or overactive thyroid function but yet are mis-diagnosed as having levels in the normal range. Like Debbie who is obese not because she eats too much or doesn't exercise, she is obese because her thyroid, which regulates her metabolism, is not functioning properly.
There are many reasons why the thyroid will not function properly. On Tuesday August 23rd we will review some of those reasons. But first let's talk about how you could be misdiagnosed.
The proper tests were not ordered
The doctor is using older values of norm.
They are looking for disease you are experiencing dysfunction
The body is compensating.
You are not in failure yet.
Medication side effects
Everyone is not the same.
All of these things could potentially be hiding the problem. With the thyroid, just like many other organs, dysfunction can go undetected before disease happens. Often times if we can catch a client in the dysfunctional stage total correction is possible. If we wait until it is diseased we may only be able to reduce symptoms by 30-60%.
If you are struggling with fatigue, weight gain, inability to release weight no matter what you do, depression, anxiety, always cold, lack of motivation, insomnia, allergies, or moodiness then you may want to join us Saturday July 30th at 12 noon EST when we review the Total Wellness an approach to identify and determine thyroid dysfunction and a simple protocol to get back on track with your TOTAL WELLNESS.
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Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
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