Recently my husband was out of town for 10 days and by the 3rd day of single mommyhood I was worn out. How about you? My friend Paula’s husband is away most days of the week for work and she still manages to homeschool 5 kids, take them to all their activities and run her home business successfully. WOW. I can barely get a trip to the grocery store in with only 2 kids without feeling overwhelmed. Mommyhood is hard and for me it is a journey of learning and growing. I admire so many moms who do this and do it well.
My sister and brother in law refused to put their daughter in day care so more than a decade they worked opposite shifts so one of them could be home with their daughter at all times… Can you imagine the years of little to know sleep? My friend Shannon has a family of 10 she manages really well. For several years her husband had to live and work in NYC while the rest of the family lived in Texas. She says some days it was all she could do to get the kids fed.
Mom – You Are Awesome, You Are Enough!!!
We all know moms who are amazing. Moms who spouses are away in the military, moms who love on their children, moms who are raising other people’s children. There are so many examples out there. But I am here to tell you that YOU ARE AMAZING TOO. Sometimes I, and maybe you too, compare ourselves to SO and SO MOM:
“She is a SUPER MOM”“She does this and this and this really well”“Why Can’t I be like that mom”
S.T.O.P. STOP, STOP! comparing yourself, putting yourself down, or feeling guilty because of what you don’t do for your kids. So to honor you and let you know that YOU ARE ENOUGH. I would like to bless you with a special gift I have put together for mommas: in the Mom, You Are Enough Mother’s Day Giveaway
Announcing a Mother’s Day Giveaway
If you are like me you are the last person on your list you buy for; You have wanted that new cutting board, the legendary Instant Pot, a pair of buttery soft ultra cute LuLaRoe leggings (or three), that super nifty Essential oil Diffuser, or new makeup for years but haven’t been able to save up or prioritize yourself. Now is the chance to pamper yourself!!

Enter the Mother’s Day Giveaway and win:
- a day of pampering at the Spa, (Massage, Pedicure, New Hair Style or Color you pick)
- $100 gift card from for makeup (or virtual makeup lessons to Glam It Up & look your best)
- $100 gift card for a LuLaRoe shopping spree
- $100 gift certificate towards Young Living Essential oils
- $100 Amazon Gift Card for your Wish List
That’s right, we will be Giving Away this AWESOME Mother’s Day Gift to one mom who likes our page and posts a picture of her family and what she likes most about being a mom on our Facebook Page
No matter what stage of life you are in, Mom of littles, Mom of Teens, a Grandmom all mom’ are welcome to submit their picture and story.
Don’t have kids yet? Why not submit a picture of your own mom or favorite mom for them.
We love you Moms. And want to make you recognize how special, AWESOME and ENOUGH you are.
How To Enter The Mother’S Day Giveaway
- Visit and Like our Page, The Total Wellness Doc & Mom here.
- Find for the Pinned Post with the image below
- Post a picture comment of your family and tell us what you like most about being a mom.
One winner will be randomly picked on Sunday May 28th. So spread the word, share this post with all your favorite mom friends.
You are Enough;

Mary Starr Carter
The Total Wellness Doc and Mom