Self Care for Health: Part II Junk in the Trunk

What is Junk in the Trunk? ….
When a person harbors bad feelings about past circumstances it can result in result in “Junk” in their body. Junk are behaviors, habits, emotional states, and even physiological processes that are not good. Junk in our Trunk can build up from past abuse, abandonment, adultery, deception, trauma, the loss of a loved one, a period of lack, loss of trust and the list goes on. Little or big, awful or horrific terrible things happen and each of us will process it differently. What do I mean by process? The body and brain will take an experience let's call it a seed and grow a tree of emotions, habits, behaviors and real physiological reactions. Here is an example; Kathy * when she was 2 or 3 year old getting potty trained was severely spanked for pooping her pants. This resulted in 45 years of constipation issues.
An Experience is a SEED
This experience (or seed) when she was 2 or 3 developed into a belief which developed into a bodily behavior. Don't believe me ? Stop now and think about an experience you had as a kid that has now resulting in a behavior of yours.
Kelly * was chased by her brothers with dead and living snakes when she was a kid. As a result she is petrified of snakes today. She can not even watch them on TV without freaking out. Her experiences resulted in a tree of Fear of snakes.
A SEED grows into a TREE
Another example from a client Sue * who at the age of two was mentally abandoned by her mother when her mother lost her baby at birth. From the age of 2 years to 3 and half years Sue had physical care but no love or affection from her mother. As a result she developed a series of bad behaviors, poor relationships, and mental disorders that were diagnosed as Post Traumatic Disorder, Bi-Polar, Detachment Disorder, Borderline Disorder and the list goes on all from this experience of abandonment.
After 10 years of drug addiction, jail and loss of custody of her children Sue was transformed into a healthy happy woman.
Kelly although she doesn't like them can tolerate snakes now.
And Kathy well let's just say she doesn't have a problem going the bathroom any more.
Do you wonder how these woman and hundreds like them after decades of dysfunctional behaviors recovered?
They didn't just identify the seeds they pulled out the roots. Think about it…. did you know a tree cut down but the roots left can eventually grow another tree.
Again my opinion only and you can disagree. I believe psychology looks at the experiences and seeds, identifies, manages behaviors, understands behaviors and symptoms but does not have a tool to PULL OUT THE ROOTS.
My practice and Wellness Coaching doesn't pull out roots either but we do refer to others that do. One seminar I refer clients to is called First Steps to Success. Over 100 clients I have sent through this system all have come out saying how much lighter and healthier they feel. Here are the stories of two clients who attended this seminar and got the roots out:
Andrea* released over 30 lbs in just over 6 weeks after First Steps to Success. It wasn't because she changed the way she ate or dieted she went through a Root pulling out exercise and released junk in her trunk. Her words, "My heart, shoulders, and chest feel so much lighter now."
Jessica * after years of suffering with Fibromyalgia, hospitalizing Migraines, and disability left one of these seminars completely PAIN FREE. It has been 6 months and she has not had one Fibromyalgia symptom.
There is a Biblical Proverb that says:
As a health practitioner I can tell you that this is true. Your authentic self needs a peaceful heart, and a body that has released past hurts.
For some of you it may require a heart transplant, but believe me I have personally experienced and have seen hundreds of individuals from the worst possible circumstances and past be set free to be their Authentic Selves AND YOU CAN TOO!
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