Secrets to Happy Attitudes in your kids
What do you do when your child ‘drives you crazy’ with a bad attitude and is misbehaving? Even if it happens once in a while, how do you keep calm? Could proper food, quality sleep and nutritional supplements help change the way they behave?
Today my son had a kind of bad day with misbehaving, lots of whining and not using his words well. Instead of feeling frustrated and giving up, I sought out answers from my Facebook friends.
My question was: Could today have been bad because
a) He went three days without taking a nap
b) He ate more processed food and sugar this weekend than he has in three months including French fries, chicken nuggets, and Wendy’s Frosty his Nana gave him last night
c) He didn’t take his vitamins and minerals in the last three days
d) All of the above
Most of the moms believed his misbehavior could be due to all of the factors listed above.
Some gave me a little more detail on how they dealt with these problems with their kids.
Vicki W.:
When Harley gets into too much sugar, dyes and dairy it becomes easy for him to see what the difference is, when he’s had candy I give us a time out until he’s had some time to wear it off. Its become clear to him what the consequences of his consumption are, what makes him feel good, what makes him feel bad and what gets him into trouble.
Corinne D. believes it is all of the above and shared:
My son says he must have had “too much sugar” when his tummy hurts.
Amy L. said:
Oh yes! My MIL used to give my boys so much junk one would throw. Up almost every time they came home from a stay there!
Mary A. agreed that D is the answer and added:
My whole family gets crazy when we don’t eat right, get enough sleep or don’t take vitamins for a certain amount of time. Makes me more aware of how important it is to stay on track.
Penny Clair who is an oiler and a mom of two wonderful children shared this:
NingXia Red a mainstay, this supplement has made all the difference in my kids, especially when they have consumed too much sugar, the immediate calming effects that take place in them after taking NR is amazing.
My daughter is the worst with sugar I can tell when she has gotten her hands on it, she becomes a maniac, and blue dye creates melt downs, we avoid blue dyes all together…but it is the NR that brings balance back. We use Pure Protein in breakfast smoothies.
Peace and Calming is used at night for a peaceful night’s sleep. We have started juicing regularly here, using kale, lemon and limes a lot, adding Stevia, a drop of lemon vitality oil, sometimes lavender vitality oil. This time of year we make apple cinnamon smoothies made with plain yogurt or kefir for a nice snack.
An article found on FoodMatters.TV, Which Food Additives Make Children Behave Badly? is a must-read for families with children. They wrote:
Research on a group of three-year-olds who lack concentration, lose their temper, interrupt others and struggle to get to sleep when they drank fruit juice dosed with colorings and preservatives.
We know sugar, processed food and additives might pose problems to kids’ behaviors. Proper nutrition is essential to nourish their mind, body and soul. Vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals and amino acids are required for growing kids, particularly in the first few years. Not only will it help with growth and other crucial developments of the body, it will give them optimum health.
The lack of proper nutrition will lead to negative effects and negative behaviors. It will affect the way they nap or sleep at night.
Let’s take a look at some of the essential vitamins needed:
NingXia Red-
NingXia Red has powerful antioxidants, is rich in minerals, polysaccharides, amino acids and vitamins. There are no additives, coloring or sugar added to this superfruit drink. Just imagine you don’t have to buy tons of vegetables and fruits to get the amount of minerals and vitamins that are present in NingXia Red.
Moms and dads, it is difficult to find nutrient dense food in the market today. Whether at school or at a gathering, kids can be enticed with the many “happy meals”, candies and treats that come their way. As parents it is not always easy to be the “police” of what our kids consume at all times.
My kiddo’s have been having 1/2 an oz of Ningxia Red almost daily for many years. They crave it now and I as a mom can tell when they haven’t had their NingXia Red and healthy diet. They can’t focus as much, their sleep is off, and my son gets phelgmy. I do my best to keep NingXia Red a Staple in my family.
If you would like to try some of the delicious Ningxia Red Super Juice head over to our website at
We know that our children’s food, sleep, minerals and vitamins are crucial to kids’ development and behaviors. Food, sleep, nutrition and behaviors are inter-related. I encourage you to see for yourself. You take NingXia Red Daily along with your kiddos for 30 days then stop. I promise you will notice the “Difference” .
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.
Protected: Nutrition and Pregnancy: Feeding Your Body for Pregnancy
How to Stop Gaining Weight and Stay Healthy While Cruising

“Just picture a great big steak, fried, roasted or stewed…Oh…wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!” What an irony to think of a scene from Oliver the 1969 musical, based on a book written by Charles Dickens called Oliver Twist when looking at the abundance of food served in the buffet lounge of the Norwegian Cruise Line.
Cruising is synonymous to buffet meals and overeating. According to a fitness coach on the Norwegian Sun, the average person gains one to two pounds per day on a cruise. Which means, if you are on an eleven-day cruise you would have the potential of gaining 22 pounds.
Hedonic eating happens while cruising because food is readily available, free, and comes in great variety. We eat for enjoyment and entertainment as well and its no wonder almost eighty percent of us are overweight.
So when we saw the sign up sheet outside the gym on the first full day of our cruise for “Detox for health and weight loss” we immediately signed up. It was definitely worth the one hour of lecture.
Walking out of the lecture we discovered the trilogy of good health- exercise, nutrition and detox. Here are five ways we keep the weight off while we cruise:
One: No soda or sugared water
Absolutely no sugar water in our 11-day diet because each can of soda or sweet tea contains about 40 grams (4 tablespoons) of fructose corn syrup or sugar. Do you know it takes 36 cups of water to drain out all the acidity from a can of soda? Our body may be sick and tired because of the acidity and toxicity from the food and drinks we consume.
You save money and calories when you drink just water while cruising. Water has the ability to hydrate and flush out toxins from our body.
In addition, we also had 2 oz. packets of NingXia Red per person per day with our water.
Two: High fiber food
Constipation is one of the main problems in America today. What we put in must come out but some people are finding it hard to do so. If we eat three meals a day, it means 21 meals in a week. If we go to the bathroom once a day, we are left with 14 meals still in our gut.What if you don’t go once a day?
Toxins are built up when food is stored in our body if it is not being eliminated daily. Toxicity and acidity are poisons to our liver and whole body. Eating fruits and vegetables in every meal is essential. Most of those huge bellies we have may be due to stored up waste. Our guts are overflowing and they are making us sick. In the “Oliver” musical, the kids sang about three banquets a day and indigestion.
Take a look at some of the glorious breakfast, lunch and dinner I took with my iPhone:

Three: Exercise
We took every opportunity to jog and walk every day. All cruise ships have well-equipped gyms and exercise programs like yoga, stretching, bicycling and Pilates. Usage of gym is free but for a small fee of $10 to $15 per person anyone can join the daily exercise programs.Swimming is another form of exercise onboard a cruise ship. You could even hire a personal trainer for your daily workout.
Four: Nutritional Supplements
We brought nutritional supplements even on a cruise. Three essential supplements that we used daily were NingXia Red wolfberry drink, Life 5 Probiotic and Essentialzyme.
These products help with digestion and promote energy in our body and mind. NingXia Red is a superfruit supplement containing essential oil and puree wolfberry. We take it for the antioxidant and phytonutrients that help provide natural energy supply and aid with liver health. Essentialzyme helps with digesting the over abundance of protein we consumed every day during cruising. It helps balance our body’s overall enzyme activity and digestive health. Last but not least is Life 5 probiotic that supports core intestinal health.
Five: Take the stairs and take a walk (don’t eat the bread)
Instead of taking the elevators, walk the stairs. Walk after every meal and let go of as much carb as possible particularly any type of bread including whole wheat bread.
After 11 days of good food and great life, I gained three pounds. I guess that is really not bad considering I overate and had dessert for lunch and dinner everyday. What do you think of cruises and weight gain?
Claudia Looi is an online copywriter, travel writer and web content writer. She has traveled to more than 30 countries and is currently traveling in South America with her husband and two teens for nine months. You can find out how she could travel and work at the same time from her Free Report: Tips to Having Money and Time to Travel.
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.
He Lost 20 Pounds And Lowered His Cholesterol By 36 Points In 52 Days
In less than 8 weeks Jay Carter lost 20 pounds, lowered his cholesterol by 36 points and his Triglycerides by 388 points. How did he do it? Here is his story written by me.
Jay realized after Christmas 2012 that he needed to make a change in his health. He knew he was overweight, fatigued all the time, had little motivation and I noticed he had been snoring and moody for many months. His eating habits included skipping meals or going many hours in between meals. He ate one healthier meal a day and then white bread, chips, quesadillas 4-5 times a week, beef jerky 3-4 times a week, soda 3-4 times a week, sugar/sweets 4-5 times a week. Fast food meals 1-2 times a week. Very little vegetables and fruit in diet. And his portions were large.
We were expecting our 2nd child and he really wanted to be in better shape for this next bundle of joy in our lives. On 12/31/2012 the doctor’s office weighed him at 218 pounds, (at 5ft 9 inches that is obese) his blood pressure was normal, but they did some routine blood work. This is what came back.
They found in his Lipid Panel
Triglycerides at 597 (normal 45-150)
Cholesterol 230 (normal 125-200)
LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) was invalid because his Triglycerides were so high
HDL (good cholesterol) 41 (39-96 is normal)
They could not determine his cholesterol to HDL ratio because the Triglycerides were so high
Vitamin D was low at 16 (normal 30-100)
On 1/12/13 we returned to the doctors and got the above results of the labs and we asked for the option to try a program of exercise, diet changes, and nutritional supplements for the next 2 months. They agreed but told us it was rare to see changes in blood work in this short period of time. Jay had his challenge.
The next day he purchased a used treadmill on Craig’s list for $200.
Here is was his Program from January 12 – March 4th (so not even 8 weeks)
Exercise: Started walking 20 minutes or more about 5 times a week with an incline and higher speed. Always sweated during workout. Occasionally used weights for biceps and upper body.
Got rid of white foods in the house. Set up a strict protocol of no white products, soda, or sugar. Cut back on red meat but still had it at least once a week. Also cut out cheese a previous staple.
New Daily Diet
Oatmeal, beans, avocado, dark berries and coconut oil were a staple on most days.
Also a protein fruit shake most mornings and another some afternoons. (this is where I snuck in the avocado and berries)
Ate on a FOOD Schedule so he was eating at regular intervals! Ate every couple of hours including 3 meals and 3 -4 snacks
Water minimum of 2-3 25 oz. bottles
1 -2 cups of Slique Tea (one tea bag a day)
NingXia Red about 2 ounces or more a day.
A protein bar (tried a variety of different kinds)
Greek yogurt and granola
Apples or fruit
Hummus and crackers or veggies and hummus
Shake (Balance Complete or Pure Protein)
or a lite meal or leftovers
Oatmeal most every day
Lunches and Dinners
Included more soups, chilis, salads, and smaller portions. 80% gluten free
Nutritional Supplements
Daily Young Living Supplements
Thyromin 2 capsules first thing upon waking up and 2 capsules before going to bed
True Source 1 packet
Longevity 1 pill
Super B 1 tablet
OmegaGize 3-4 capsules a day
Essentialzymes-4 1 -2 duo packs usually with larger meals
Again Slique Tea- one cup on most days right around the 3 pm -5pm time
NingXia Red 2-3 oz. a day
He also took Liquid Vitamin D about 50,000 IU’s a week
He also did on an off about maybe 10 or less days out of the 52 days took 2 Life 5 Probiotics at night, 4-5 Sulfurzyme a day, and maybe 5 doses of Lemongrass Vitality in a capsule.
To help remember to take supplements we used these little pill boxes I found near the pharmacy section of a store. They were only like $1.50 but really help to keep you on track. Every morning I would fill his pill box and mine. We usually keep them near us most of the day. (But again we work from home so that’s not far.)
On March 11th we returned to the doctor’s office to get his lab results from March 5th.
They weighed Jay at 199.4 lbs. and we are giving him the .4 for heavy clothes making his total weight loss 20lbs. And here were the results of 52 days of diet changes, light exercise and Young Living supplements.
Symptoms Gone
Within a week Jay had more energy, improved moods, motivation and overall happiness. His snoring stopped after about week 2. The difference in him especially when on the full nutritional program and eating regularly and healthy is almost like another man. He is full of energy, life and thinks very clearly.
The Partnerships
Jay and I worked together along with a few helpers. What do I mean we worked together? He asked me for a protocol and I wrote out basically what you see above for diet and supplements. Since I am growing a baby, I decided to cut out the same foods (mostly) and eat regularly and supplement similar to Jay every day.
We worked as a team but I also pay my health conscious great cook, friend and my Aunt Shirley to help prepare some healthier soups and desserts that all of us could eat, 2 meals a week. And because I am doing more cooking and prepping I also got some help 2 times a week with cleaning.
It’s not easy to make all these changes at once but it was the best decision for our family since we are on a deadline to change our ways and get on track with our health. (our 2nd child is arriving at the end of this month)
One more comment – Stress Levels and Sleep
Jay’s stress levels did not go down, in fact I would say the demands on his time and energy went up during these past 8 weeks. With the birth of a new baby approaching, working 60-70 plus hours a week and getting on average 6 hours of quality sleep a night and yet was still able to lose weight. I believe that exercise even if just 20 minutes a day, better eating, supplements especially Thyromin was the KEY TO THIS! Exhausted adrenal glands lead to fatigue, exhausted bodies, sick bodies and more.
Also he wasn’t sick at all in those 8 weeks when prior to this he had been sick with a cold or something little almost every couple of weeks for several months.
The next step
This is just the first step. 52 days is just the beginning. We have another 180 days until his next appointment because the doctor agreed he is making great results with diet, exercise and supplements. Some of the staff and doctors already use Young Living essential oils and products so they wanted to know what we used as well.
Jay is on the road to health again. But he has to continue the process.
What about you? Are you ready to get on the road to health? Some will choose to do a full protocol like Jay, others will take some of things he is doing and incorporate it into their life. Make the commitment. Jay made a commitment to be healthier for his growing family. Find something that will help you stay motivated and make a commitment to do something to improve your health today!
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.
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