Foundations of your Health Success

Foundations of Success
By Dr. Mary Starr Carter
Foundations of Success in our health come from small steps toward a future goal. Once we have reached that goal we must take daily actions to maintain our success.
Sounds simple enough right?! Success in most things can be simple but not easy. If it were easy we would have a majority population of fit, healthy and wealthy individuals.
When it comes to Health Success Foundations, the best examples come from the world's top Athletes. The top three foundations of their success are Habits, Routines and Self Discipline.
Let's be real and ask ourselves the following questions:
What Habits do I have that are good for my health?
What Habits do I have or don't have that are destructive to my health?
What Routines are health promoting for me?
What Routines are healthy for my family?
What areas of my life am I disciplined in a positive way?
What areas of my life do I need self discipline?
No one is perfect, that is not what this is about. It is about looking at ourselves honestly and giving ourself praise for what we do do good and get real with what we aren't.
Some of may be feeling like you don't even know the answers to these questions. You may need another set of eyes to help you see the positive in your life and areas you need to improve.
Let me suggest a 30 minute Wellness Coaching Session to help you Begin on the Road to Health. Click here for more info:
Routine: Every person and family will have a different routine, but routines are a foundation of success. What time do you wake up, go to bed, when do you study, when do you eat, how often do you eat….. and the list goes on.
When it comes to your health having a routine of food and fitness is important. But so is having some weekly or even daily me time, fun time, family time, couple time, and God time.
I learned having a routine for my children is extremely important to their health. Starting when they are an infant.
What routines are best for you? What routine do you think you might want to test out for the next few weeks to see if it is a fit for you? What routines are you ready to implement?
Habits: In Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People his 7th Habit includes Sharpening the Saw. This means preserving and enhancing the best asset you have YOU.
There are many Health Habits we can adopt including:
Drinking 1/2 our body weight in oz of water per day
Exercising daily
Speaking Kindness and Love over our body and about ourselves
What are some Healthy habits you can adopt to Sharpen your Saw?
They say it takes 21 days to set a habit. I agree and suggest to my clients to start with a 30 day goal. This leaves room for rest days and other things that might come up in our lives.
Habits and Routines all have 1 thing in common….. they all need
Self Discipline otherwise known as Self Control.
Self Control: Self Discipline and Self Control may be hard words to hear. When we think of the word discipline some of us might cringe or want to run away because of harsh upbringing or perfection standards.
I see clients who lack these foundations most of the time and then I also see clients who take this concept to the extreme thinking that perfection will come from strick standards on self. Both of these concepts can cause Physical and Emotional issues.
I want to leave you with a different picture of Self Control. This belief is my belief and although you don't have to agree I hope you will be open enough to just think about it.
In the Bible it clearly states that Self Control is a gift of the Holy Spirit to us. A gift to overcome our fleshy unmotivated and sometimes gluttonous bodies. Did you ever think about praying to God to help you overcome Food Addictions, the lack of motivation to exercise, even to help you to wake up at 5am and feel rested.
Really Dr. Mary? Yes I have seen it in my own life and many others. Simple things like feeling fully rested on a few hours sleep to miraculous things where clients have radically been delivered from addiction of alcohol, drugs or even sugar. It is real. God can do all things we just have to ASK and BELIEVE!
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Dr. Mary Starr Carter has worked with thousands of clients from terminally ill and chronic diseases to those who are healthy and want vibrant health. She has counseled hundreds of families who had given up hope find simple safe solutions. Known as the Total Wellness Doc she looks at all aspects of health to help someone overcome disease. She specializes in difficult cases like Fibromyalgia, Hormone and Adrenal issues, Asthma, Diabetes and Chronic pain.
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