Most of us have felt the Monday blues or stress of returning to school or work after the weekend of rest and play. It has been proven that we are more likely to have a heart attack on Monday mornings than any other day.
According to WebMD, at the same time, levels of a stress hormone called cortisol peak early in the day and when it happens, cholesterol plague that has built up in the arteries can rupture and block the flow of blood to the heart.
Going back to a new school year or going back to school after the weekend can bring unsettling and uneasy feelings for our kids. They may show signs of irritation, nervousness, quietness or having a bad attitude. Our kids may be suffering from stress just like adults.
Some parents may have the same feelings and may show their stress and irritation to their children. Instead of listening to their fears, we may have transferred some of our own stress to our children.
How do you cope and help ease children from Monday blues or stress?
Don’t live just for the weekend
Heard of “TGIF” (thank God it’s Friday)? The weekend is the time when most of us feel free to do whatever we like and it is really hard not to live for the weekend. What if we schedule some fun time for the kids during the week to break off the mundane school schedule and work?
Prepare on Sunday nights
Getting our kids ready on Sunday nights by picking out their outfits, making sure all homework, books and essentials are in the backpack, talking about what is in the lunchbox and breakfast menu may excite kids.
Preparing the night before will eliminate morning rush and set everybody off with a good start.
Have a good night’s rest
A healthy sleep routine is important for our body and mind. Just like adults, some kids may have difficulty going to bed. It could be due to a disturbing book they read like about ghosts or thrillers, or a violent or action packed movie or TV series or online games right before bedtime.
Winding down at least 30 minutes before bedtime can calm the body and mind and help promote sleep. To find out more on the secrets of a good night’s sleep, please download our free booklet here.
One quick tip, apply Lavender essential oil topically on feet and spray it on your child’s pillow. It will relax and calm their mind and body.
Music and motivational CDs
Music can transform attitudes, and boost our emotions. Listening to motivational CDs and songs in the morning can help startup our day with a positive impression.
These are some of the ways to defeat Monday blues. Talking and spending time with kids could be the best remedies for back to school Monday blues. They may just need someone to listen to them to calm their nerves.
What are your strategies to help your kids with Back to School Monday Blues? Let us know by commenting below.
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. It’s strictly for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes ONLY. The products I talk about are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any illness or disease. Any information I give you about them is for informational or entertainment purposes only. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Please seek the qualified health professional of your choice when making health decisions for yourself, your family and your pets.